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v0.3.3 -May 12, 2023

New Features

  • Added export function that allow users to export their map to html
  • Added more chart making operation

v0.3.2 -May 7, 2023

New Features

-added Toolbar function for geomapdemo module

v0.3.1 -April 29, 2023

New Features

  • added scatter ploy function
  • added violin plot function

v0.3.0 -April 27, 2023

New Module - Seaborn chart module created - More update coming soon

v0.2.2 -April 26, 2023

New features

  • Choropleth map function within the foliumap module
  • Layer control function within the foliumap module
  • Check at doc pages and new examples

v0.2.1 -April 25, 2023

New features

Please check the documentation at the API reference in foliumap section!

  • polygon fucntion
  • geojson function

v0.2.0 -April 24, 2023

New Section

  • added foliumap section
  • updated ipyleaflet section
  • More coming soon

v0.1.5 -April 23, 2023

New features

-update added raster function

v 0.1.4 -April 16, 2023

New features

  • added marker function

v 0.1.3 -April 16, 2023

New features

  • added more function
  • fix bugs

v 0.1.2- April 16, 2023

New features

  • added shapfile function
  • added basemap function

v 0.1.1- April 15, 2023

New features

  • Mapping feature added
  • Allow people do basic mapping and drawing

v 0.1.0 -April 13, 2023

New features

  • first available function create: choose a random number
  • second available function create: create a random text
  • Much improvement, way to success

v 0.0.5 -April 11, 2023

  • create two new function

v 0.0.4 -April 11, 2023

  • no major update, just testing

v0.0.3 - March 18, 2023

  • Created documentation

v0.0.1 - March 15, 2023

  • Initial release